Executive Protection Specialist Vocabulary
In the high-stakes world of executive protection, the role of an Executive Protection Specialist is both critical and complex. These professionals, often visualized through the glamorous lens of Hollywood as bodyguards to the elite, are, in reality, the architects of meticulous security strategies designed to safeguard individuals facing elevated risk levels.
Beyond the physical prowess and the silent vigilance lies an intricate understanding of operational protocols, risk assessment, and crisis management, making them indispensable in ensuring the safety of their principals.
The expertise of an Executive Protection Specialist extends far beyond the visible spectrum of their duties. It involves a comprehensive command of a specialized vocabulary that includes a plethora of abbreviations and acronyms, many of which are borrowed from military parlance yet are universally applicable within the realm of personal security.
This linguistic arsenal is a covert communication toolkit, enabling swift, precise, and, most importantly, discreet exchanges among team members. This coded language enhances operational efficiency, particularly in scenarios where maintaining the element of surprise and confidentiality is paramount.
For those aspiring to enter this elite field, mastering this vocabulary is not merely an academic exercise but a fundamental component of their professional toolkit. It signifies their transition from novice to seasoned professional capable of navigating the complexities of executive protection.
This introduction is a gateway to understanding the critical acronyms and abbreviations that form the backbone of executive protection communication, underscoring the importance of linguistic proficiency in complementing physical and strategic security measures:
AIC- Agent in Charge
AO- Area of Operation
AOP- Attack on Principal
ARSO- Assistant Regional Security Officer
BG- Bad Guy
BG*- Body Guard
CAT- Counter Assualt Team
CCW- Concealed Carry Weapon
C&E- Cover & Evacuate
CI- Counter Intelligence
CID- US Army Criminal Investigation Command
CMT- Crisis Management Team

CONUS- Continental United States
CP- Command Post
CP*- Close Protection (UK/Europe)
CPP- Certified Protection Professional
CPS- Certified Protection Specialist
DOD- Department of Defense
DL- Detail Leader
DS- Bureau of Diplomatic Security
DSS- Diplomatic Security Services
DSS*- Department of State Security
E&E- Evasion and Escape
EOD- Explosive Ordinance Disposal
EP- Executive Protection
HCN- Host Country National
HN- Host Nation
IA- Immediate Action
IAD- Immediate Action Drills
IC- Independent Contractor
IED- Improvised Explosive Device
INTEL- Intelligence
IR- Incident Report
K&R- Kidnap & Ransom
LEO- Law Enforcement Officer
MO- Modus Operandi
MOS- Military Occupational Speciality
MTT- Mobile Training Team
NCIS- Naval Criminal Investigative Service
OCONUS- Outside the Continental United States
OP- Observation Post
OP*- Operation
OPSEC- Operational Security
OSI- Office of Special Investigations
PE- Practical Exercise
PERSEC- Personal Security
PI- Private Investigator
PI*- Protective Intelligence
PMC- Para-Military Company
PIT- Precision/Pursuit/Police-Intervention/ Interception-Technique
POC- Point of Contact
POTUS- President of The United States
PPO- Personal Protection Officer
PPS- Personal Protection Specialist
PPU- Presidential Protection Unit
PSA- Protective Services Agent
PSA*- Personal Security Agent
PSD- Protective Services Detail

PSD*- Personal Security Detachment (Military & PMC)
PSO- Personal Security Officer
PT- Physical Training
QRF- Quick Reaction Team
ROE- Rules of Engagement
RON- Remain Overnight
RSO- Regional Security Officer
RSO*- Robbery Suppression Officer
SD- Surveillance Detection
SF- Special Forces
SL- Shift Leader
SO – Abbreviation for security officer
SOP- Standard/Standing Operating Procedures
SP- Suspicious Person
SP*- Start Point
TL- Team Leader
TCN- Third Country National
USSS- United States Secret Service
UXO- Unexploded Ordinance
VBIED- Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device
VIP- Very Important Person (for the little yellow bus riders among us )
WAR- Within Arms Reach
For those looking to enhance their career in executive protection, the following resources may be invaluable:
Executive Protection Marketing Services
As usual, thanks for doing what you do.
That’s a fairly extensive list and very useful thank you for the time and effort to compile it. I may have a few to add that are also commonly used:
ANFO -Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil
AP – Armour Piercing
CE – Composition Explosive
CW/BW – Chemical Warfare/Biological Warfare
DS – Double Storey
DSR – Double Storey Reinforced
ECM – Electronic Counter Measures
EDD – Explosives Detection Dog
EDD H – Explosives Detection Dog Handler
EOR – Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance
HAZMAT – Hazardous Materials
IID – Improvised Incendiary Device
ICP – Incident Control Point
LOC – Line of Communication
MSR – Main Supply Route
PBIED – Person Born Improvised explosive Device
RF – Radio Frequency
RSP – Render Safe Procedure
TVCPs – Temporary Vehicle Check Point
UXO – Unexploded Ordnance
VCP – Vehicle Check Point
Nice list.
Elijah Shaw, CEO
Icon Services Corporation
Thanks Huck. By the way, its always good to know that you are the “HMFIC”. Lol.
Wow! Thanks Huck, I will put this into my notebook and study it thoroughly. Bodyguardcareers.com is always helpful!