Networking and developing relationships are the lifeblood of a any business, including Executive Protection. If you’re not looking for ways to keep up connections with people you think matter, then they will deteriorate and fall away. Not only will you lose a few friends just due to the crush of it all, but you’ll lose some potential business opportunities as well. Keeping connections alive is a surefire remedy for success. With that in mind, Executive Protection Institute has scheduled 2 EP / Bodyguard / Security Driver network socials, which are open to those involved in or interested in the protection field. The first one will be in New York City on Jan 26th, 7pm-9pm. The next gathering will be in Atlanta on Feb 19, 7p-9p. Being a graduate of EPI is not required to attend the informal and casual social. EPI has been hosting networking gatherings for several years now and we encourage all those actively working in the field and those who would like to work in this exciting profession, to come and meet others.
They sometimes have 50-70 people attend. Please RSVP ( for detailed information on the exact location.
This is a highly professional gathering of true EP pros. Wish I could attend, but I am stuck on assignments in SE Asia. Have a great time EP Networking Social Gatherings in New York City and Atlanta!!