By Hucky Austin
You’ve written the perfect cover letter. Spell-checked your resume. You’ve gotten the call; they want to meet you for an interview. NOW WHAT?!
Following are a few tips to help you maneuver your way through this often challenging part of your job search. Watch next week for more hot tips to help you land the job!
+ Do your homework. Go online and learn all that you can about the company (or organization or client) as possible. Ask friends in the field what they know about this particular employer.
+ Be sure to get accurate directions to the location and drive by one time so you know where it is located and how long it will take to arrive. There’s nothing worse than becoming lost; also be sure to have money to park at either the meters or the ramp. Bring the telephone number also.
+ Dress appropriately for the position. Conservative almost always is appropriate. Clothing must be clean, pressed and without tears, rips or stains. Personal hygiene and grooming are important; don’t overlook it! Bring gum or mints for your breath, but don’t chew gum in the interview. Also, don’t wear cologne. A surprising number of people are sensitive to perfumes and cologne. An interview may be cut short for this reason; don’t risk it!
+ Arrive 10 minutes early for the interview so you are not late; which makes a terrible first impression. Call if you are running late.
+ Bring extra copies of your resume, along with contact information for your references and copies of letters of recommendation. Review your own resume so you are prepared.
+ Upon arriving, be courteous to everyone you meet; from the parking attendant to the people in the elevator to the receptionist. Receptionists do talk about people’s behavior; be sure yours is appropriate. If the person you’re meeting with has an unusual name, ask the receptionist for the correct pronunciation.
+ Turn off your cell phone.
+ Upon meeting the individual interviewing you, use his or her title (Mr., Dr., Ms.) and LAST name. Do not use their first name unless asked to do so. Give a firm (but not too hard) handshake.
+ Wait to be offered a seat and once seated, sit up straight and quietly take a deep breath. Exhale slowly, to help calm any nerves. Listen carefully and closely and stay as focused and present as possible. It is important that you make eye contact during the interview.
Commenting usually isnt my thing, but ive spent an hour on the site, so thanks for the info