Those visiting Bodyguard Careers today will notice that we’ve just released a new theme. It’s not a complete overhaul in terms of look—rather, it’s an evolution or refresh of our current design. We are hoping that these subtle changes will make it easier to navigate, and a little less cluttered. There are a few more changes coming in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned. There will probably be a few small bugs that we’ll need to iron out, but overall things are pretty stable and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback! If you have any suggestions, questions, please leave a comment for us. And we will do our best to implement your suggestions.
Stay Safe,
Hucky and Jeff
I like it Huck, it looks fresh!
I like the new look. It is cleaner and more contemporary looking!!!!
Looks awesome. Right away I got a professional feel from your blog. Especially since the competition is so thick for this type of website, it’s important to stand out from the rest.
As long as you guys keep the articles coming and the content interesting and informative, I’m happy. Great job!
Hucky Jeff, the new header looks great. Hucky if I didn’t know any better I would think that’s Texas Longhorn burnt orange. I thought you were a big Sooner guy lol…