By Hucky Austin
Not what we give, But what we share, For the gift without the giver
is bare. ~ James Russell Lowell
Supportive advice can have a powerful impact on those who embrace and incorporate it in their life goals. So many individuals are given great advice and so often do nothing with it.
Recently I offered some knowledge to an individual who was inquiring about the Executive Protection industry. Not only did I provide him with my personal knowledge, I supplied him with the necessary steps he should take in order to get his foot in the door and succeed in the industry.
This individual was one of the few who actually listened and absorbed the information and principles I provided to him. He utilized this information to begin working towards his goals within the Executive Protection industry and was successful in his mission. This knowledge and advice so willingly offered has given this individual an entirely different perspective and has opened doors he never knew existed.
A Thank You letter was given to me, Harlan V. Austin, expressing the deep gratitude of this individual. He had informed me of his great progression he has been experiencing due to the advice I had provided to him. Without the offering of my sound knowledge of the Executive Protection industry, he feels he wouldn’t be in such a great position in his life right now.
Thank You letters hold such great importance and known appreciation towards someone. It is such a wonderful feeling to actually see the proof or outcome of the positive impact you can have on an individual. At times the feeling can be inexpressible. At the end of the day, I am able to go home knowing I was able to help another and put a smile on someone’s face.
My advice to all of you would be: Embrace advice, Give advice, and Live by great advice. Helping others to move forward in life and achieve their goals will provide comfort and contentedness to all.
At any time, if you see an opportunity to provide helpful advice or knowledge, just do it! The rewards can be tremendous.
Hey Harlan, not trying to make you repeat yourself but what exactly was the advice that you gave him? I could stand to hear some of that also.