By Hucky Austin
One of the best tools to use for yourself is to create profiles at some of the social networking websites. In the past, we’ve recommended FaceBook, MySpace and the like. These sites can be used to advertise your services, and offer a (FREE) way to have a presence on the world wide web.
Here are some tips to effectively utilize these websites:
- Do not mix “business” with your “social life” on these websites.
Employers are indeed searching the web for information on potential hires. Whatever is on the internet, be sure it represents your most professional, polished self. Post only photos that present you in the best possible light.
- Limit what personal information you post. Remember, in our business if
we want to protect our clients, we need to limit the public’s access to these clients-which means limiting access to our own homes, and/or families. If someone is trying to get your rockstar or CEO client, and they have information on you, that is information that could be potentially threatening to not only your client, but to your own family as well. Don’t indicate your address or telephone number. Protect your own privacy.
- Block everyone but your closest, must trusted friends from posting
or blogging at your profile. You don’t want potential employers to read unflattering things about your behavior in your private life.
- Consider spending the money on professional photos. The photos you post
of yourself should be straight-forward; no sunglasses, nicely dressed, ¾ shot with a pleasant expression.
So that you can have full control, you may want to hire someone to build a website and to create an email address that reflects your website (Ex: The cost to have a professional build a simple website is minimal, and may be the best way to protect your reputation.
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