By Doc Rogers
In today’s fiercely competitive Bodyguard environment you should be always looking for an edge, ones that will keep you motivated in your search for Bodyguard opportunities. By reading this straight to the point, no fluff article/checklist you’ll be able to create more opportunities in the Bodyguard industry for yourself. Read and follow the checklist, and immediately set yourself to the task.
• Go after the limitless opportunities in the Bodyguard business.
• Your success depends on your ability to get along well with others.
• Keep in contact with well-placed friends and associates in the Bodyguard industry.
• Number one goal: survive and prosper.
• Bounce back from adversity.
• Take constructive actions.
• Do everything possible to improve your situation and get a Bodyguard job.
• Take purposeful action and focus your efforts on making positive changes in your Bodyguard career and life.
• Get good Bodyguard training under your belt which will make you a “preferred agent” in the industry.
• Solid Bodyguard training separates the best from the rest.
• Refuse to become discouraged.
• Your discipline and perseverance will drive you to Bodyguard career success.
• Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul into your Bodyguard career and you will see massive opportunities come your way.
• No complaining – Don’t waste your time on being negative; spend your time on overcoming difficulties and looking for Bodyguard opportunities.
• Be accountable – Don’t blame others, accept responsibility and make the right moves to get back on track and accomplishing your Bodyguard goals.
• Keep motivated – Motivation is critical to your success, study this program, listen to CDs, watch DVDs, go to Executive Protection seminars, study books and manuals on Bodyguarding.
• No excuses – Create opportunities not excuses. An Excuse is nothing more than evading a task at hand. Don’t put off things for later. Postponing your Bodyguard career activities for tomorrow or next week will only result in eventual failure. Instead concentrate on doing productive activities without excuses.
• Be persistent – As long as you persevere, you will be successful. Push hard for your Bodyguard career; take massive action and be persistent.
• Have an action plan – Your action plan should detail the things you need to do to advance your Bodyguard career.
Create your career goals, by following this Checklist for Bodyguard Opportunities, As Aristotle once said: “Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.” Keep safe and God speed.
Doc Rogers is the author of Corporate Executive Protection – A Manual for Inspiring Corporate Bodyguards and president and CEO of International Corporate Executive Protection Ltd. Doc has earned a Ph.D. in Security Administration from Southwest University and he is SE Asia’s leading expert on executive protection and corporate security. To learn how to make a full time living as a corporate bodyguard visit the websites below for more information.
Peter: Thanks Very Much for you nice comments. Hope you have a great New Year in Sweden! God speed.
Thanks for the tips Doc!
The checklist is something I´m trying to live after and think about everyday.. And when my persistance is slacking, I´ll read your list again Doc!
You are good help on the way.
Best regards from Sweden and a Happy prosperous 2011 to us all!!
You’re very welcome Doc, and best wishes to everyone for 2011 also!
Dear Alonzo: Thanks so much for your support and kind comments. Wishing you much success and happiness in 2011! God speed.
More good stuff from Doc! And all this can easily double as guidelines for life in general.