A friend of mine sent this e-mail to me this morning . Here’s a simple solution to the controversy over full-body scanners at airports. Develop an enclosed booth that passengers step into but , instead of
X-raying… them, when the door closes, it will detonate any explosive device they have hidden on or in their body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth.
This would be a win-win for everyone! There would be no more concern about racial profiling. The booth could be use as a casket for direct burial, also a new booth could be put in place in just seconds.
The booth would eliminate long, expensive trials. Only the guilty would suffer. No chance of mistaken identity. You’re in the airport and you hear a muffled explosion, followed by an announcement over the PA system, “Attention standby passengers, we now have a seat available on flight number……
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Rick Knowles
Whatever makes them feel better about themselves! I’ll give them the option.
Gary Pawlowski
Taking the trian, bus or car. They’re not touching my junk! enough is enough eith the voliation of our rights.
Alonzo Gomez
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” (Ben Franklin)
I much prefer Hucky’s friend’s solution (won’t happen of course, and wait until someone’s pacemaker gets them blown up…) than all the ways society treats people as criminals in the name of public safety. And I wonder what would’ve taken place on Flight 93 if the passengers/pilots had had boxcutters themselves (or guns).
Horace L. Bussey Jr.
Pat down…not enough testing on long term effects of being irradiated for the scan.
Don Gaffney
r u kidding? For what it costs to fly these days if I can get a free reach around thats better then an in flight movie!