On October 10, 2009 Brett Lorenzo Favre turned 40 years old during what has become arguably his best season in the NFL. True, Brett Favre has kept himself in excellent physical condition but more than maintaining his fitness, Brett Favre has learned valuable survival lessons from all the hard knocks of his 17 years in the game. In fact, it is Brett’s cerebral fitness which makes him a harder target to hit. Although it would be foolish to say age is irrelevant in the executive protection business, age certainly is not the most relevant consideration. Knowledge, experience, and a keen ability to learn from one’s mistakes will take you further as an executive protection specialist than a 350 pound bench press or a six minute mile.
It has been said that youth is wasted on the young. The premise behind this statement is that if a person could combine the physical abilities of youth with the wisdom of age the possibilities would be near limitless. Providing executive protection past the age of forty is a matter of leveraging one’s life and professional experiences to make yourself more efficient at providing services despite your aging body. A man or woman who knows how to avoid danger for him or herself and their client is far more valuable than one who can muscle their way out of a volatile situation that was caused through youthful inexperience.
As for your physical health after age forty there are some important things to consider. Due to significant advances in medicine and a heightened awareness of the role physical fitness plays in longevity, today’s forty year olds are enjoying a healthier happier life than generations past. Providing executive protection past the age of forty involves making some different choices in how you care for your body. Although it is extremely important to be wise and learn to leverage your past experience it is also important to look at your body as a tool of the trade. While you are young establish some life long habits that are conducive to enhanced health as you advance in years. Eat a healthy diet including lean meats, fresh vegetables, and fruits. Get into exercise routines that maintain good cardio fitness. Although you do not want to depend solely on your ability to wrestle and run, it is important that when you do go hand to hand with someone that you win the fight quickly and decisively, so take your health and fitness seriously.
It is also important that you see a physician regularly for routine check ups. Many problems that can cause you to slow down or become seriously ill can be avoided with regular visits to your family doctor. It is not a bad idea to find vitamins that are appropriate for whatever stage of life you are in as well. Consider a gym membership as an important investment in your long term success. Regardless of your age you should be involved in a regular fitness routine.
With the right combination of fitness and savvy, there is no reason you cannot continue to provide executive protection services well beyond age forty and be just as much if not more in demand than those half your age. At the end of the day, the client is only interested in whether or not you are able to keep them safe.
Doc Rogers
Hucky, Great article and words to live by for an extended bodyguard career. Thank you and keep safe.
A great article!
Americans have a unique view of age but the most important element is fitness, the conditioning and professionalism and NOT the age of the individual.
Am unfit 50 years old is just that! unfit!
Hopefully those of us who are in the profession carry out their tasks to the best of their skill and astuteness.
A highly encouraging article! Thank you very much.
It seems that there’s much hope for some of us still, after all.
I am forty myself. Do my best to keep in shape, and to eat well. I’m no gym rat, but I do workout at home and the outdoors.
Perhaps it’s time I reconsider entering the security/protection field after all.
Stay safe everyone!
Babangida .y.
A very interesting article, i had wanted to resign from EPS job. at the age of forty, but after reading this article, i now realize that, i can even do better, i do a lot of exercise, going about 20 km running in a week and still play soccer, that makes me fit for d job. thanks
This is a VERY encouraging article! I’ve been in uniform security a little over a year, but I am nearly 5 years retired from a 23 year career in the Army. I’m well past 40 and female, but extremely interested in the personal protection aspect of security. This gives me hope that there is a possible place even for me in the field. Thanks so much!
I am 49 , I will be 50 in March. I am in better shape now than when I was 25. I train regularly and try to eat well-I do love my desserts though! All in all I am smarter and stronger than I was at 25 and can still keep up -and out do most that I work with. I have found that most clients 55-65 prefer someone my age because I blend in much easier with him or her. Let’s face it, a 65 year old man with a 25 year “companion” attracts attention, sometimes unwanted attention. There is no reason that if someone that maintains his or herself that person cannot stay in this business into their 60’s and maybe beyond. I don’t always plan to be in the thick of things as I grow older but I can certainly work behind the scenes and stay in the game!
Nice article Doug, Don agree with you 100%
It’s all about the individual and the condition he’s in. I’m 48 and fat thanks to the poor choices I like to blame on my environment. Am I too old for high-risk ops? – NO. Am I too fat? – HELL YES. Thankfully, Latinas dig older fat men.
On the other hand, a personal mentor of mine, is older than dirt itself. I suspect he’s older than God. I know he’s older and meaner than Chuck Norris. This guy is near 70, skinny, fit, runs everyday and has more personal stamina than most 20 year old service men (Marines not included). He was part of Army SF before they even called themselves SF. Hell he put the SPECIAL in SPECIAL FORCES. He’s over in Afghanistan right now giving young kids straight out of the service a hard time. Is he too old? – NO.
I don’t think a fit guy can be too old for the higher risk stuff as long as all his body parts are working and he’s maintained the edge over the years. Me … well I better step away from the refrigerator really soon.
Don Moe
I am a 45 yr old operator in the EP industry and have been working for several yrs. I truly believe that age is relative to the need of the assignement.
To keep up in the business, I practice all that has been mentioned as well as doing my part to fit the particular clients culture and enviroment.
I keep physically fit, eat right (most of the time)keep myself up to date on the business trends and most importantly, do what I can to make the day for my principle go as smooth and seamless as possible.
Taking care of the clients little needs, and doing things above and beyond are factors that will enhance your viability in this field. I have to say. It is interesting to note that the average age of the LA Police Swat Unit is in the 40’s.
So to my fellow Sr agents out there. Keep at it!
God bless and be safe
This is a fabulous article, I’m well into my 40s and I’m still able to perform any duties that executive protection requires.I do a lot more advanced work now than I did 20 years ago, but the job is still rewarding and I like to believe that I’m still a valuable asset to my team. By the way, I love the new look of the website feature article piece really nice