By Doc Rogers
Not working as regularly as you once did in the industry? You are an established professional one that clients can count on, so why are they taking a chance on new EP agents?
There are many reasons and obstacles for not working as regularly as you one have, some of the common reasons are:
• You are too expensive and they no longer have a need for a high-earning, successful agent (sad but sometimes true).
• A person in a position of power on the EP team suggested using lesser-known “local” talent on EP projects.
• An agent on the EP team with less experience may have felt a little insure working with seasoned veterans, so he suggested a new agent under the guise of “financial savings” for the team.
Whatever the reason it is hurting your chances at earning a continued good living in the industry after showing years of loyalty. Don’t get depressed over the situation; motivation is the key as well as a higher degree of discipline, sacrifice and patience. Maintaining these professional qualities gives you the knowledge that you are giving all you have towards the one thing in the world you love to do.
To give your career a real boost try the following suggestions:
• Maintain genuine friendships in the industry. Nobody has ever disputed that genuine friends can be important in this business. Helping each other out is an unwritten and unspoken rule.
• Be willing to adjust your role in the business. Instead of the lead EP role take on the outer protection and advance roles.
• Get out and find new work. Most of my success has come from meeting new people in the industry. Never asking for “work” only explaining how you can “support” their EP projects with expertise and resources.
• Get out and do something, don’t second-guess your way out of EP opportunities. Be willing to put yourself on the line.
We don’t have the security of a weekly nine-to-five job, the only security we have as bodyguards is the expertise we possess, the resources we have at our disposal and the genuine friends we have made along the way.
Always be gracious for the work you receive and perform your duties with total discipline and professionalism. Do whatever it takes to overcome the obstacles which you may face for continued success in the industry. Good luck and God speed.
Doc Rogers
Alonzo: Very solid comments. Keep Safe and Employed.
Alonzo Gomez
Doc continues to dispense very true and timely advice. I’m not all that but still have had to dumb down my resume, accept entry-level jobs and lower pay, and assure people that I was willing to listen and take orders.
Many companies and teams go for green talent for the reasons that Doc listed, and it’s even more the case in the current economy. Networking is more crucial than ever.