By Doc Rogers
As bodyguards we need to protect our reputations as it is priceless in the industry. We need to be committed to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism without hesitation or exception. As bodyguards we must live by established standards when conducting our bodyguard business, working for clients and dealing with competitors.
This applies to our day-to-day BG actions, responsibilities and operational procedures. We must exercise good judgment and be accountable for all our decisions and actions. Decisions and actions must be based strictly on foresight, thoughtfulness, and the protection of our clients and not purely on financial gain. Sure, reaching our financial goals is important to success, as it puts food on the table and pays the bills. However, what’s equally important is the way the financial goals are achieved.
We must take bold, uncompromising action for the safety of our clients as well as protect their confidentiality. This means releasing confidential information and/or materials is absolutely forbidden. We must also protect them legally by carrying firearms only when in compliance with the law.
When submitting invoices to the head office or directly to the client we must never falsify hours or billing amounts for any purpose. Dishonesty will not be tolerated under any circumstances in this industry of ours.
We have to protect our clients’ reputation as well by being professional to those we meet in the course of the BG assignment. Never abusive, insulting, using foul language or gestures; leave the unprofessional, rowdy, intimidating and threatening behavior to the street-level, amateur bodyguards.
This means also treating other professional bodyguards working the same event but for different clients with courtesy and respect. If you don’t want to be friendly, at least be respectful in public. Keep your temper and be humble and polite as much as possible.
We need to keep our egos outside of the job and try to foster a professional environment with other BG counterparts. Remember, we are all on the same team; we must lead by example and practice what we preach. Keep ethical, moral, legal, as well as professional and you’ll have a long and thriving BG career ahead. Keep safe and God speed.
Hi Nick: your comment is really appreciated my friend, go GPS-Security! Keep safe and God speed
Hi Stephen: I really liked what you said: “But let’s do our best to be safe, be professional,and be at the top of our game!” Great advice. Keep safe and God speed.
Ray; you are so right, thank you for the great input. Keep safe and God speed.
Alonzo: thanks for the great comment. From one pro to another; your comments mean a lot. God speed.
Hi Six: You are right-on-target with your comments. Within the social network realm; we are all under surveillance from the good, bad and ugly. Keep safe my friend and God speed.
Doc… sound as always!
Stephen… well said!
A great article with great advise! This is true in our industry and in other industries as well.As a leader,I know amateurs say,”We can short cut the system because they do it like this over there,” or “So and so, cuts corners like this,” or “If we just do it like this, no one will know, find out, and it’s not really hurting anyone.” Too many people have said this with drinking and driving, illegal and prescription drugs, speeding excessively on the freeway,texting while driving, and yes in their career or business. But like we all know,IF ONE PLAYS WITH FIRE ENOUGH TIMES,ONE IS GOING TO GET BURNED.Like you,I am not perfect. But let’s do our best to be safe,be professional,and be at the top of our game! The general public is watching,your boss maybe watching, you maybe on video, someone may have a cell phone with video,and for sure God is watching. Before doing something ask yourself,”Would I do this in front of my mom, my grandmother,my close friends, my pastor,or someone I greatly admire,respect, and care about?” If your answer is “NO,” you may want to think twice.I have found this to be helpful.
In this line of work we are on center stage.Yes we are watched everythang we do the media will be close by . so handle your business.
A lot of people I meet should really read, internalize, and then apply this type of advice. It may sound basic and common-sensical to some, but that’s really what makes the difference between the pros and the rest, as Doc says. We do live in glass houses.
As always Doc, well said and tastefully done. Also when it comes to things like social media, we have to also be careful of the posts or threads created by some of our friends. At minimum your peers may be watching and you may lose future work with them. At worst your client may be monitoring. All the work you put into build your own reputation could all do down the drain because of some awkward posting by some of your social media acquaintances characterized as friends.