Good health is the single most important factor in being a successful bodyguard. No one will hire an unhealthy bodyguard. Bodyguards with low fitness levels are twice as likely to die earlier than their fit counterparts.
Therefore, physical fitness is essential to the job, and it attenuates the age-associated decline of bodyguard skills and job performance. It is my experience that increased fitness levels in the industry are also directly associated with higher income levels. Whether you are a male or female bodyguard, your goal should be to look and feel healthy and fit.
Bodyguard Fitness Program
It does not matter what your current fitness level is. As a bodyguard, you must do some type of moderately high-intensity cardio exercise (brisk walking or jogging) for 30 minutes five days a week to keep your heart and lungs healthy, strength training (weights or bodyweight exercises) three times a week to prevent loss of muscle mass, and stretching exercises to make your daily strenuous bodyguard activities easier.
The Job Never Gets Easy, You Become Stronger
The job never gets easy; you become stronger through cardio exercise and strength training. You should consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program. You need to commit to your physical health and improve your mental state to have the proper self-image that is imperative for the bodyguard operating in today’s industry.
Be devoted to exercising, feeding, and resting your body well. Keep a daily exercise log of your progress to stay on track and see how far you’ve come in your bodyguard fitness program. If you don’t keep track of your progress, how do you know if you are succeeding in meeting your goal?
The Bodyguard Diet
Bodyguards, whether on assignment or off-duty, should eat healthy diets. This includes vegetables, fruits, lean beef, poultry, and fresh fish. You should also drink lots of water throughout the day to keep hydrated and decrease hunger. On the job or during your downtime, avoid getting very hungry.
I know that missing meals happen all too often while providing bodyguard services. To avoid hunger on the job, carry nuts, seeds, fresh or dried fruit, and/or high-protein beef or ostrich jerky with you for healthy snacks. Avoid processed foods, those that come in boxes, cans, and packages. They are loaded with preservatives and other chemicals.
Vitamins & Supplements for the Bodyguard
As a bodyguard, you should incorporate some supplements into your new eating and training program. Most bodyguards take vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements to look and feel younger. I use The following supplements when I use them, and what benefits they bring.
Protein intake for bodyguard doing moderately high intensity cardio five days a week and strength training three times a week is important for rebuilding muscle once the muscle has been broken down from working out. A high-quality protein shake will help your body recover and rebuild quickly.
Branched-chain amino acid capsules further aid muscle recovery and reduce fatigue when working out and on the job. For best results, I recommend consuming three amino capsules before and three immediately after your workout. Multivitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of a healthy body and mind. Multivitamin capsules provide a broad spectrum of coverage, ensuring all your nutritional needs are met.
Working Out On-the-Job
While on assignment, the bodyguard should get up early each day and go to the hotel gym. There, he or she should do 30 minutes of moderately high-intensity cardio exercise and 45-60 minutes of strength training (weights or bodyweight exercises).
When exercising on assignment, the bodyguard should accomplish two things during training. First, you want to ensure you preserve the strength and cardio fitness levels obtained during your downtime. Second, you want your body to recover fully from every bodyguard workout.

Sample Basic Bodyweight Workout
The following is a good basic bodyweight exercise program that you can do in your hotel or at the hotel gym while on assignment: 1) Chest exercise; decline pushups, 2) Back exercise; pull-ups; 3) Leg exercise; squats, 4) Triceps exercise; bench dips, 4) Biceps exercise; chin-ups and, 5) Abdominal exercise; sit-up. All exercises should be done for 10-15 repetitions for three sets for each exercise. After the bodyweight workout, do 30 minutes cardio exercise (brisk walking, jogging, stationary bike or jump rope).
Workout Recovery
Recovery when working out on bodyguard assignments is crucial to your bodyguard performance and energy levels. After working out, your body is primed to absorb nutrients. For optimal recovery from your workouts, you should eat a large serving of carbohydrates, protein, branch-chain amino acids, and vitamins. Your post-workout recovery meal should reduce muscle soreness, rebuild muscle tissue, and prevent inflammation. Meals should consist of lean protein sources, vegetables, and fruit.
Peak Bodyguard Performance
Your goal as a bodyguard is to ensure your body is not inhibited when performing your duties. Here are some suggestions for good recovery after your workouts. 1) Ten minutes of stretching; this will allow a good stretch for your muscles which helps recovery, 2) Ten minutes in an ice bath; this allows your body to revitalize and aids muscle tissue recovery.
If no ice bath is available a cold shower is an acceptable alternative as cold water stimulates muscle tissue makes them stronger and, 3) Foam rolling; foam rolling each muscle at the point origin to insertion, will aid in the recovery procedure. After each workout, ensure you are fully focused on supporting the recovery process.
Investing in Yourself
If you invest your time in a good workout program, you will have the physical capabilities of a serious bodyguard. You will physically separate yourself from other bodyguards in the industry. You can have results or excuses, not both. You must live a healthy and productive lifestyle as a bodyguard and be disciplined physically and mentally for the job. Bodyguards healthy in body, mind, and spirit can function at their peak regardless of age. Keep safe and God speed.
About Doc Rogers: He is the author of best seller Corporate Executive Protection – A Manual for Inspiring Corporate Bodyguards and the newly released eBook entitled How to Build Your Own Executive Protection Business. Doc is president and CEO of International Corporate Executive Protection Ltd., has earned a Ph.D. in Security Administration from Southwest University, is a Certified Protection Specialist from Executive Security International, a decorated veteran police officer and is SE Asia’s leading expert on executive protection and corporate security.