By Doc Rogers
Here are some basic principles that should be followed to ensure bodyguard success:
1. Humility. The better you get in the BG trade, the less you have to prove it.
2. Respect. Temper your BG ambitions with respect at all times.
3. Service. Provide high-quality service with the best protection possible to make the client’s experience a safe and memorable one.
4. Advance Work. Destiny is kind to BG’s who do their advance work.
5. Integrity. Be honorable and honest in your private life and during your interactions as a BG.
6. Professionalism. Distinguish yourself as a dedicated professional with total conviction and discipline for the trade.
7. Health. Keep healthy and in good physical shape. It’s good for business and increases your career and life span.
8. Behavior. Behavior can make or break a BG’s career. Training is a prerequisite, however it will only help when added to courteousness, friendliness, reliability, trustworthiness, and other behavior qualities that make a great BG.
9. Education. Learn all you can and gain experience in the industry. Study the trade, develop your skills, keep on top of the industry and know the ins and outs of the business.
10. Goals. Set short-term BG career goals for yourself. Make strides to reach them each day. One you have reached the mark; make new goals and keep moving in a positive career direction.
11. The Unwritten Rule. Never approach, engage in conversation, trespass or attempt to steal another BG’s client. This is the unspoken and unwritten (until now) policy in the industry. To do so, you would find your career rapidly disintegrating, lose the trust of your peers, and could easily end up in a back alley with your feelings hurt. Cheaters never prosper.
If you follow the Golden Rules of Bodyguarding you will reach the peak in the industry when added with drive, dedication and passion. Keep safe and God speed.
Six; your kind comments are much appreciated coming from a fine professional and man a greatly respected man of honor as yourself. Sorry for the late response, been a little busy lately. Business is good.. Keep Safe and God speed.
Hi Vince: Happy to know you find some value in the articles. We live and work in such a small industry.
We need to assist each other as much as possible.
The man or woman you assist today, could be your teammate tomorrow. Best of Luck and God speed.
Wonderful post Doc.
Religious people look to the 10 commandments for guidance
Samurais look to Bushido which is their code of honor and moral principles.
Bodyguards need to look at your post and to take that advice.
Honor, Integrity and honesty are the foundations of a good BG.
Thanks alot Doc for taking time to give these little Pearls of wisdom when you could have taken the ‘let them find out on their own attitude’. Many of the things you have written in your articles have helped me alot.
As always the truth spoken by a man of honor! Doc lives the creed that we all should continue to strive toward.
Alonzo: As always your comments are right-on-target, the “full picture.” Well said my friend! God speed.
Maxwell: Thanks for your kind comment,it means alot to me to get positive feed-back from industry pros’. God speed.
Easily the MOST important stuff… so often overlooked while we focus on such fluff as bench press numbers, group sizes, or the notoriety level of our clients.
None of this unfortunately shows on a resume, but interviews and track record soon reveal the full picture about us. So these rules are well worth revisiting often or, why not, printing out and framing!
Powerful!!!! Ttnx