By Doc Rogers
EP is a fiercely competitive industry; it demands smart and tough people to carry out duties worldwide in a straightforward, businesslike manner. Most importantly those who hire EP professionals want someone they can trust and depended upon. People who will devote time and care to each EP project to ensure client safety.
If you are new to the industry you have one thing in your favor, new EP talent is the lifeblood of the business. When halls and walls agents get promoted to the close protection team new slots open up. Halls and walls are where many beginners in the EP trade start out; paying their dues before moving up the EP career ladder.
However, there is plenty of room at the top of the EP field as well, if you are properly prepared and have what it takes to get there. Getting on an EP team is not easy, the stakes are high and so are the casualties. Here are the five categories employers place prospect EP candidates in after the initial interview.
1. Hopeless – The prospect EP candidate does not have a shred of EP training or experience and shows no serious commitment to the trade. These types are icily dismissed with recommendation to learn the trade.
2. Long Shot – The prospect EP candidate may not be presentable (dress, walk, talk) may have serious training flaws or lacks certain required experience.
3. Borderline – The prospect EP candidate may have personality flaws or moderate training flaws or experience in the trade.
4. Good Possibility – The prospect EP candidate show good promise in the EP industry in terms of training and experience (minimum requirements met).
5. Winner – The prospect EP candidate has solid training, experience and special abilities with a true aim for becoming a truly dedicated EP professional.
Your goal for finding work is to turn yourself into a prime example of a winning EP candidate. To do this you must weigh the pros and cons of every decision you make.
Now is the time for professional disciple; for lasting success in the trade you need to grow professionally. You need to look objectivity at any defects in yourself and eliminate them. You need to rate more than a passing glance at interviews, to become a winner get solid training under your belt in EP, take a course in management and leadership; these will make your chances of being hired or retained much higher.
Preparation is the key to making yourself a winner. EP is a profession that takes more time and preparation than many other professions. This will give you unshakable confidence. A high degree of dedication and discipline is also required.
EP should be the one thing in the world you want to do most. You should be willing to endure anything to achieve it. Everything is achievable with the right preparation, dedication and discipline. Have faith in yourself. Remember, EP success take effort and perseverance; you can make it happen. Good luck and God speed
As with all your advice. On point and easy to understand.