The Professional Bodyguard Résumé: By Doc Rogers
1. Résumé Paper Your résumé should have a professional appearance, use high-quality white paper.
2. Font Size and Color The font color should be black; the font size should not be less than 10. You should only use Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma font types. Keep your résumé to one page only.
3. Proofread Always proofread your résumé for typos and grammatical errors.
4. Education and Training Under education and training list in reverse chronological, name of school and bodyguard academy, time period (can be just years) and the degree or certification received. List any honors only if they are academic or bodyguard training in nature and put them under the relevant school or bodyguard/executive protection academies you have attended.
5. Experience Under experience list in reverse chronological order the name of your employer, time period (can be just years). For each job you held describe what you did in short sentences or bullet points. Include all leadership skills, such as bodyguard supervising or leading a bodyguard team as the detail leader.
6. Professional Certifications Under professional certification list all bodyguard relevant certifications and licenses.
7. Community Activities Under community activities list all bodyguard relevant community connections. Many bodyguard employers like to see this in a résumé. Such as volunteer bodyguard work non-profit associations or security work at public fundraisers, etc.
8. References Do not list your references on your résumé; use an attached sheet, which matches your résumé paper. Don’t staple your reference page to your résumé and never submit your references unless they specifically request by the bodyguard employer.
9. Additional Résumé Tips You need to update your résumé on a regular basis and tailor your résumé to the specific bodyguard employer.
10. Sample Résumé Name: John Q. Bodyguard, MS, CPS Address: 123 Any Street, Any Town, Any State, Any Country Email:
Education and Training School: Bodyguard University, Address: 456 Any Street, Any Town, Any State, Any Country Degree Received: Master Degree (MS) in Security Administration
School: Executive Security International Ltd, Address: 715 Horizon Drive, Suite 301, Grand Junction, Colorado 81506 USA Degree Received: Certified Protection Specialist (CPS) certification
Experience Employer: Multi-National Corporation, Address: 789 Any Street, Any Town, Any State, Any Country Duties: Served as an executive protection specialist for clients, prepared advance work for overseas client business trips, arranged and conducted security surveys at all scheduled venues, set up professionally trained security drivers and managed the motorcade on a daily basis, provided strategy and updates to clients regarding new environment security developments
Employer: Hollywood Corporation, Address: 789 Any Street, Any Town, Any State, Any Country Duties: Served as the chief executive protection specialist for a Hollywood movie actor and his family, arranged secure environments and secure ground transport during business and leisure travel, conducted advance work for at business aviation centers and airport for the clients private jet, setup secure hotel arrangements, professional security drivers, responsible hospitals and safe havens in 26 countries, providing personal protection and threat assessments in each location
Professional Certifications Certification: PADI Instructor Certification Specifics: Successfully completed the PADI scuba diving instructor’s certification course Certification: Armed private security guard/bodyguard (Date) Specifics: Successfully completed training required by the state for armed private security guards and bodyguards.
Community Activities Provided volunteer executive protection for the Catholic Charities festival (Date) Provided volunteer executive protection for the Breast Cancer Awareness fund-raising (Date)
Employment References Please refer to page two of my résumé.
Good luck with creating a professional bodyguard résumé and God Speed.
About Doc Rogers: He is the author of best seller Corporate Executive Protection – A Manual for Inspiring Corporate Bodyguards and the newly released eBook entitled How to Build Your Own Executive Protection Business. Doc is president and CEO of International Corporate Executive Protection Ltd., has earned a Ph.D. in Security Administration from Southwest University, is a Certified Protection Specialist from Executive Security International, a decorated former veteran police officer and is SE Asia’s leading expert on executive protection and corporate security.