Back “in the day” when I was a young bodyguard and finally was making the Big Bucks I made a Big Mistake. I thought I should look as much the super-star as my client, so I went and bought myself the most gorgeous $2000 designer suit you’d ever want to see. It was tailored to fit my frame perfectly. I knew I looked good in that suit. Imagine my pride as I stepped out of the limo next to the celebrity, sporting my new suit for the first time. Imagine how pleased I was as we strutted to the venue, paparazzi cameras flashing. Later that night, I had to vault over a barrier in the line of duty. Imagine my horror when I heard my new expensive suit rip! It was the sound of twenty $100-dollar bills tearing. Now, there’s not much that will bring a big man down–but I think I might’ve cried a little that night!
–Harlan “Hucky” Austin
It is important to have the right wardrobe for the job interview, and for the job itself. But you can learn from the above story. You don’t need to spend a fortune on suits to look sharp. Be sure to check with your employer as to his/her expectations for on-the-job attire. Some clients prefer that their Executive Protection Staff NOT wear suits, but rather “blend” more in dress slacks and shirts. For the most part, however–you will need to own a few suits for the job, and that can get expensive. [Read more…] about Wardrobe Doesn’t Make The Man, But It Just Might Break Him!