Whether you are taking your Protectee on a drive across town from Hollywood to Anaheim, or a road trip from San Diego to San Francisco. It is important to take every necessary precaution to ensure a safe trip for you and your Protectee.
The last two decades have seen an increased in national awareness of the dangers involved in daily travel and the simple preventative measures that can be taken to greatly reduce the risks of accidents and injuries. This awareness has spilled onto the Web and information is readily available that deals with every conceivable aspect of t motorized travel and travel safety.
The crusade to spread the word about travel safety has grown to include more aggressive and progressive tactics, including defensive driving strategies, drunken driving legislation, speed limit enforcement programs, and much more. With devices such as cellular phones and GPS advanced automobile capabilities offering luxuries that present potential distractions for drivers, our nation’s highways are potentially more dangerous than ever before.
Perhaps that is the reason why more information is now available about safety laws and precautions than at any other time in the history of motorized travel. Something to think about before you put the keys in the ignition.
Absolutely right. We shouldn’t take safety behind the wheel for granted as the risk of a TC is usually much higher than that of an AOP, and some of us tend to forget that reality. Good reminder.
Thanks Doc
Great article Hucky! I believe that one of the biggest risks is ground travel for our clients and simple preventative measures can prevent disasters from occurring.
Thanks for the tip,definitely something to think about.